Providing Thompson guitars to support our community and share what we make with young players is something we have enjoyed doing for many years.
We have had the opportunity to help our local community each year via MOTH – My Own Two Hands, which is The Sisters Folk Festival biggest fundraisers. We have provided guitars for their ‘live’ auction and recently a raffle. This year we are offering a 000-12MA Sunburst Thompson – $25 per ticket and only 400 tickets sold. This money will support the Americana Project an innovative music and arts education program with broad community outreach. Here is the auction link to participate – we have supporters of this program from all over the country.

Rocky Grass and Winfield Flatpick Competitions are for those pickers that have honed their skills and want to see how they compete with other players. We donate a guitar to both Rocky Grass and Walnut Valley Festival and feel so proud to be a part of their prize giveaways. Here are a couple video links from the Rocky Grass winners and our Blog Post of Preston’s history with Winfield during the 1980’s, where it all began for Preston connecting to more bluegrass players, like Peter Rowan and Charles Sawtelle.

Preston Thompson Scholarship/Memorial Fund – Preston past away three years ago and this year, 2022, is the year we will give a guitar to a young emerging Bluegrass picker in honor/memory of Preston’s passion for guitars and love for Bluegrass. More to come on this donation in early summer.